Do my orders placed without an account qualify for rewards?
Unfortunately, only orders placed while logged into your account qualify for Honey points.
Do my older orders apply to the loyalty program?
If you have a buying account with us prior to the introduction of our loyalty program, a loyalty account will automatically be created when you login. Unfortunately, only orders placed after creating a loyalty account count towards your honey point total.
Will a reward discount code with with another coupon code?
The reward discount is considered a discount code. Our system is limited to only allow one discount per purchase.
Can I use 2 reward codes on a single purchase?
No. All of the rewards (referral and points redeemed for a reward) are considered a discount code. Our system is limited to only allow one discount during checkout.
What if I forgot to use my reward on my purchase?
At this time, we are unable to offer a refund or credit when a reward code is not entered at the time of purchase. However, your reward code is saved in your account and can be used for a future purchase.
How many testimonials can I submit for points?
We would love your honest feedback about our company. You can earn 250 Honey points for leaving a testimonial but you can only do this once.
How many photos can I share?
You can share up to 1 photo per 30 days of you using/holding our product. Each time you share a photo, you'll earn 500 Honey points. *All photos need to be approved and can take 24-48 hours to do so.
What if I forget my password?
Simply go the the "Recover Password" page and enter the email address of your account. If you don't receive an email, you likely checked out as a guest and do not have an account set up. Simply create a new account using the email address you used to place your order