Making a Linen Towel Toddler Pillow

Making a Linen Towel Toddler Pillow

Decorate your toddler’s room with these lovely personalized toddler pillows made from our White Hemstitched Linen Towels. These pillows make excellent gifts and can be made in under a half an hour!

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Directions How To Make A Linen Towel Toddler Pillow

  1. Place both linen guest towels inside out with the hemstitched hem matching. If personalization is desired, embroider the towel in the center of the hemstitched border (the font should be approx one inch high).
  2. Now machine stitch the sides of the towels together. Since the towels are longer than most toddler pillows, machine stitch 3-4. up from the bottom of the towel. If desired, cut the excess fabric off.
  3. Flip pillowcase inside out.
  4. Congratulations your toddler pillowcase is complete.
Figure1Figure 1
Figure2Figure 2

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