Making a Napkin Storage Pocket

Making a Napkin Storage Pocket

Looking for a creative way to store your linens? Easily transform your 18 or 20 inch Linen Napkins into elegant storage pockets for your cupboards and drawers. Creating these storage pockets is easy to do and can be done in a matter of minutes!

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Directions How To Make a Napkin Storage Pocket

  1. Iron the dinner napkin you will be using
  2. Lay the dinner napkin with the backside of the embroidery facing up and at the top
  3. Fold the right and left corner of the dinner napkin towards the center
  4. Fold the bottom of the dinner napkin upwards to meet the center
  5. With the matching needle and thread, apply a running stitch along where the lower fold of the napkin meets the 2 side folds to form a pocket.
  6. Finally, fold the top corner of the dinner napkin down to form an envelope flap
  7. Pin the closed frog closure on to the top corner and the bottom corner of the napkin
  8. Open the frog closure and hand stitch into place. Take care to leave the closure loops unstitched
  9. Tuck your napkins into the storage pocket.
  10. Congratulations you made a lovely napkin storage pocket
Figure1Figure 1
Figure2Figure 2
Figure3Figure 3
Figure4Figure 4
Figure5Figure 5
Figure6Figure 6
Figure7Figure 7

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