Making a Linen Towel Toddler Apron

Making a Linen Towel Toddler Apron

Having just purchased a brand new kitchen set for our young daughter, we completed the ensemble by making her a cute little toddler apron out of linen towels.

These aprons made from our White Hemstitched Linen Towels are adorable, make excellent gifts and can be made in under a half an hour!

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Directions How To Make A Linen Towel Toddler Apron

  1. Face one of the linen guest towels with the hemstitched hem on top.
  2. To create the apron pockets, fold the linen towel up nine inches from the bottom of the towel. Press with an iron.
  3. Fold the towel up again four inches. This will give the play apron a tiered pocket look. Note that the edge of the towel will now almost meet the top of the previous towel edge.
  4. Machine stitch the pockets by stitching a straight line from the crease of the towel up to the hem. You can create different size pockets by stitching the lines far or close apart.
  5. Thread an inch of the first 18 inch strip of ribbon through the first hemstitch casing, leaving 17 inches of the ribbon dangling. Sew on top of the ribbon to secure to the towel. Repeat with the second strip of ribbon through the second casing.
  6. Congratulations you have created a fun play apron for your little chef.
Figure1Figure 1
Figure2Figure 2
Figure3Figure 3
Figure4Figure 4
Figure5Figure 5

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